I opened Sunshine Functional Fitness to help people find an appreciation for what their bodies can do. We were all born to move and to move well.
I get so inspired, amazed, and fired-up when I see an infant squat or pull themselves up off the floor, because they are never taught these movements. They just know how to do it. It is innate. From day one, babies develop proper mechanics for strength and movement.
The best entertainment I have is my 8 month old son, Marsden. Watching him learn to move, get stronger, play, and reach new milestones brings me immeasurable joy. It seems like almost every day he has a new movement or developed new strength that he incorporates in his daily play.
I want adults to play like that, free of aches and pains. Functional fitness is our way to play with a purpose.
Unfortunately, our bodies are introduced to chairs and shoes, lounging in front of the television for hours, and sitting at our jobs day in and day out. We end up in less than ideal body positions - hunched over, “text neck,” feet turned out, etc. Overtime, we then become weaker and more susceptible to injury.
There are still tribes of hunter/gathers that have been untouched by our modern hindrances. They need their fitness for everything they do in life, but most importantly, to hunt and find food for their communities. They can rest in the bottom of a squat for long periods of time and then immediately jump up and begin running. It is natural for them, and it can be natural for us too.
In order to get back to our best physical condition, we need some guidance and coaching. That’s what I’m here to provide you with: the tools to change your life, to save your life, to live your best life.