Meet Greg, our Gentle Giant

Happy Member Monday! Today we have a tall glass of water to introduce you to… meet Greg! Sunshine Functional Fitness has been lucky enough to have Greg around since the beginning, even before the beginning! He suffered through the heat and mosquitos at the park before we opened our doors last year.

Greg is one of the most genuinely nice guys that we have ever met. He is a friend to everyone. At the gym, you’ll regularly see him helping others clean up at the end of the workout.

He is the master of strict movements, no matter what coach programs. We love his commitment to improving his skills and building his strength.

What brought you to Functional Fitness in the first place?

In the past I would work out at random gyms. I had a few "instructors" here and there, but I never saw results. I decided that it was time to truly invest in myself, not financially, but commit time to myself and get the most out of it.

What was your first impression? How has that changed?

"What in the hell am I doing here?" Seriously, I never had lifted weight these ways in my entire life. However, as I continue to work on my form, I find myself becoming stronger and doing things that I never dreamed of.

What was your first “bright spot or ah-ha moment”?

My first PR (personal record), which was doing a front squat. From there I continued to push myself. Even when I feel that I cannot do it, my coach and peers all motivate me.

What are you working on now?

I am starting to somewhat improve on my nutrition. I was once extremely blessed with having an incredibly fast metabolism where I could literally eat anything. However, being 42, things are starting to catch up. I totally understand that nutrition is the key to my success. As in my workouts, definitely trying to perform multiple double unders in a row, and working on my overhead squat!

What’s your favorite Sunshine Functional Fitness memory?

Definitely unpacking all of the new hardware from Rogue that arrived before the gym had officially opened. I realized right then and there that a man I used to consider a "coach", was more of a friend, and his dream was coming true.

Thank you to Greg for being apart of our Sunshine Fit Fam!

We know you’d love to hang out with Greg at the gym, so sign up for a No Sweat Intro with Coach Jer. Learn about what Sunshine can offer you and personalize your training plan.


One Small Step


The Coach Makes The Class